Friday, 15 March 2013

So, Here's The Plan

Assalamualaikum and hello my blogworld! :D

Im gonna talk about something serious, something related to my future, and may be for our future. 'Our' means including my (future) husband and (future) kids. hhe :))

This is about a plan, yup Malisa and her list of plans for her life, hopefully it gets approval from Allah SWT and if Allah gonna say no to it, He will displace it with a better give. I can only plan all of the things, but everything will happen according to what is written by Allah.... :')

Firstly, I wanna talk about my plan to get married by the age of 25 years old. For your information, that is my target since few years ago (since I realize I really want to get married. hhe) and it gets clearer now. Yup, that is the maximum age of I wanna get my life and death partner, a husband, but I will be very happy if Allah says my (future) husband gonna propose me earlier. heeee :D And I really hope I wont get married too late... I always pray to Allah for giving me His best. :')

The reason why I have decided it, very simple. I want to fulfill my responsibility first to my dearest parents and sister. I owe my whole life to my parents, they're my everything. There are few things I wanna give to my parents before I am married. I wanna build a house for them. Yup, my family, until now not yet have a house of our own. My Ayah already bought a land at his hometown, but he not yet have the chance to have a house. Its always his dream to have a house at his hometown and  stay there. Second thing I wanna give to my parents is a umrah/haji package. This is a huge dream, things that I really want to make it as a reality as soon as possible. I want to go for umrah together with my whole family, and I hope I can make it by 2014. InsyaAllah...  Aamiin :')

Another reason why I want to get married by 25, which is 2015, it might be the suitable moment that Im ready enough to build my own family. To share my life a my husband, to grow within good and bad with him, to raise my kids and be a good mother to them. Im in my preparation phase. Memantaskan diri. Yup, right now is the crucial moment. Im getting 23 this years, things need to be better. I myself, as in everything. I need to do a lot of improvements in my life. Inside and out. So, whe the one fated for me come to propose, Im ready lahir bathin to say yes and start my life with him. Aamiin :')

Then, my next plan is to have a simple but meaningful wedding ceremony. Im not expecting something big and spend a huge amount of money, Im expecting more on the marriage itself, not the wedding. Im thinking of other important things. You know, two individual wanna start a life together? They need a lot of things and money right? That's what Ive been thinking of. The money that is spend for a day, only for the wedding, being spend in the name of gengsi, and the newlywed couple, suffers few years to get a stable life. I dont want that to happen to me. Well, its okay for anyone who can afford all that. But for me, I know where Im standing and I realize my capability. Im not expecting to marry a rich man. Hello, who am I? haha 

I hope Allah will let me meet with someone who is sederhana enough for me. I dont really care how much money he earn, but as long as he is earning halal money, a good person inside and out, can guide me to Allah's way, and work hard for my life with him, I will be more than thankful to have him in my life. And one more, a family man is a huge yes from me. hhe Am I asking too much? Hopefully Im not right? hhe ;)

So now, I have decided to prepare myself for the wedding and the marriage. If before Ive said things for my own preparation, now Im telling you my financial preparation. Yeah, these kind of stuff is super important too. I dont want to put the burden only to my (future) husband. For the wedding ceremony, for our new home to stay, for the stuff we need, the car and every sinle things newlywed couple needs. Complicated stuff, yet there is still ways to make it easy. Financial preparation is one of the way to overcome it. I do have plan to share with my (future) husband to buy a house. That is the first step that crossed my mind. na dthen, the list goes on, but Im not explaining too much. The most important thing is, Im having a total preparation for my future, and the future Im talking about is my life with my husband. :)

Right, am I going too far? I hope not. Its just the expression of my preparartion. Though I know I have not yet meet the one, but I think I know which road to take, to bring me to a better future. Im not taking any decision that will affect my future, in a negative way. InsyaAllah I will not having anymore relationship before marriage. It brings to nowhere and Ive wasted my life once, for that. I hope Allah will let us (my future husband and I) meet, at the right time and right moment. I believe that, semua akan indah pada waktunya.


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