finally, after a long long time, I had a chance to type everything about my VT experiences! :D
rite, a Vacation Trainee is a program from Schlumberger *an oilfield service company frome France* or in another name could be considered as an internship program. the objective of this program is to give a general preview and real experience of how the lifestyle of Schlumberger would be. the trainee was given a chance to be part of Schlumberger for a month, do exactly what the employee do and the progress of the VT is being observed by the Field Service Manager (FSM) and also being help by the mentors assigned. but before I was assigned in this VT program, I have to go through the interview first. the interview that I never thought gonna be that way! well, it was an interview for the future employee of SLB, yup the VT interview was exactly the same level as the employee! and for a person like me, who never had any experience or even being taught about how an interview would be it was a very full of luck of me that I successfully pass the interview!
the interview was divided into 4 main section, where in every section there is elimination for the applicant who failed in that section. means, they should go home with empty hand if they do not pass any section. and me, without any preparation at all and just go for the interview only to gain the experience of what exactly a job interview is, successfully pass with flying colours in every section. :)) I never expect I would even pass the written test furthermore to be selected as a VT. hha anyway, the first interview was about a question in english. where you have to pick one card and answer the question. i think the purpose of this section is to know that the applicant have the ability to speak in english or not. an me, Alhamdulillah, went through it smoothly. and I still remember that I have to answer the question in front of Pak Arief Darmawan, SLB Prabu Well Services ex-FSM.
then, i have to wait for the announcement and lucky me i was in. its kinda sad of seeing many applicants for employee have to go home because they failed in the first section. next, I have to sit for the written test. if I not forgotten, the written test includes, applied maths, engineering maths, applied physics, electrical physics, IQ test and english test. when i openend the question book, i kinda cant stop staring at it. hha me answering those hard question?? Alhamdulillah i manage to answer, though not all of it. and after almost an hour sitting for the exam, i have to wait once again. and without expectation at all, again my name was in. and i have to be ready for the 3rd section, which was the group discussion. if i not mistaken, there are almost 20 individuals who get into the group discussion and we were divided into 3 groups.
i was in the group with another 5 candidates for this VT program, include my old time favourite team mate, M Syallaby. we were asked to design and create a prototype of a vehicle that could be used in the pole and the desert. by that time, my creativity was challenged, and i have to think hard with my group what should we create. and what's more interesting, we have to communicate in english. if the recruiter (Bu Kris n Pak Wijaya) heard that we use Indonesian or palembangnese, we were scolded. hhe after 30 minutes of designing, we have to present our prototype. the presentation have to be done by each individuals from the group. and this one i dont exactly know what is the purpose. hhe :p then, after all of us finished the presentation, we have to wait some more for the result for the final interview, which was held the next day. while waiting, i spent my time having conversations with my seniors who applied to be the employee and kinda sharing things. but what's weird was it was me to share with them about many things. see, i think am a story teller. hhe then, after quite a loong wait, finally the announcement was published and guess what, am the only female candidates (for VT and include employee) who successfully to be given a chance for the interview. once again, Alhamdulillah. :)
the next day, the time for a real job interview for a newbie like me. before that, i never mention that i brought any documents right for my test? hha yup2 i only wrote down my GPA in the registration form and thats it. haha then, for the next day, which was the interview was held at the Novotel Hotel Palembang *starred hotel, mamen* I have to bring my CV, which I just prepared it during the night by copying the sample of CV from kak oim. -.-" then, i went for the interview with aby, yup he also got the interview chance. see, can i do things different with aby? debating with him, and now interview also with him. hhe :P okeh, aby and I were the first candidate to be scheduled for the interview. I was interview by Ibu Krisdiana Wardhono and aby was interview by Pak Wijaya Chendra. and guess what, I took more than 30 minutes for the interview. a smooth long conversation with Bu Kris which i never prepared for. because kak oim said the preparation was only to pray before the interview so that i can be calm enough to answer the questions. for me, the interview was a conversation between a mother and a daughter. i was asked about many things and Alhamdulillah I can answer it smoothly and seriously never expect that I can do it. at that time, I never really care whether I pass or not because the most important thing for me is the experience. for a 3rd sem average college student, what else i can expect from myself? am doing things to gain the experience, of course. :) and yup, i never expect at all to be selected. and 4 moths after that, I was called by Bu Kris and tole Aby and I have to go through the MCU for the final test. Alhamdulillah :)
*to be continued cuz this thing should be divided into chapters* hhe :P

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