Sunday, 30 December 2012

Bicara Pohon & Bunga Tentang Lebah

Pohon   :       Berhentilah kau dekat dengannya. Kau tak bisa lagi berteman dengan Lebah 

Bunga   :       Menurutmu, yg aku lakukan sekarang salah?

 Pohon :       Iya

Bunga   :      Emang ga boleh ya aku berteman dengan siapapun? 

Pohon   :      Bukan begitu, tapi Lebah sudah ada pendamping yg cocok dengannya. Jangan kau ganggu hubungan mereka

Bunga   :     Apa berteman dengannya berarti aku mengharapnya kembali? Apa dekat dengannya  berarti aku   mengganggu mereka? Kau tak berhak mengaturku.

Pohon   :     Bukan begitu maksudku. Kau bisa berteman dengan siapapun, bebas. Tapi kau tak bisa lagi terlalu dekat dgnnya. Aku takut kau terluka lagi Hatinya ada satu. Separuh untuk dia dan separuh lagi untuk pasangannya. Takkan ada ruang lagi untuk yg ketiga. Aku lelah melihatmu menangis. Aku harap kau mengerti dengan jelas maksudku. Aku hanya takmau melihat kau menangis lagi karenanya, Bunga. Kau berhak bahagia.

Bunga   :    Aku tak berharap apa-apa dengannya. Hanya saja aku senang bisa bercerita dengannya, bebas. Bahkan aku tak sebebas itu untuk bercerita denganmu. Apakah salah utk kita yg diciptakan berbeda wujud ini untuk saling berbagi kisah hidup? Utk sekarang, hanya Lebah yg mau mendengarkan aku. Aku akan temukan pengganti Lebah, tapi kau jangan berharap banyak untuk aku melupakannya. Aku tak berniat mengganggu siapapun. Aku sudah mulai terbiasa tanpanya. Tapi kadang aku benar-benar perlu teman bicara. Untuk hal2 yg aku tak bisa ceritakan kepadamu, Pohon. Semoga aku bisa segera menemukan jalan keluar buat hal ini.

Pohon   :       Baik-baik ya Bunga, pasti kau akan menemukannya.

*Tiada hubungan antara hidup dan mati. Well, actually it is. Haha. Only God knows who they are. :)*

Friday, 28 December 2012

Across The Sea

I waited for so long

too long

and I still remember the promise

two promises we made

when the time come, we'll make it come true

we'll make it real

somehow, we're only the planner

we're are only hoping of life, of love

the time came, but we can't fulfill the promise

we thought its the time

but Allah says not yet

just be patient, dont ever stop hoping and praying

if its fated, we'll make the promise come true


Sunday, June 27, 2010 at 9:48pm (Facebook)

Thursday, 27 December 2012

Just Dont Give Up

Assalamualaikum and hello my blogworld! :)

            I hope all of you are doing good and feeling excited to reach another year, yes its getting near to 2013! Im excited for 2013 and already have few plans on my list which will be shared with later on. This time, I would like to share about something important, about typical thing that might always happen. Even for myself, sometimes I do feel it. It’s about losing your spirit and just wanna give up on something. 

           For every individual, their life has its own challenges. Sometimes it might be easy, sometimes things just doesn’t work out at all. For me, life is like a wheel. There will be ups and downs, because its continue moving. Even I myself, cant expect to always to be at the top. And most of the times, I have to face the reality when I have to be at the bottom. But, just don’t forget one thing, even you’re at the top, its not a guaranty that everything will be easy. Natures rule, the higher you’ll be, the harder everything will be. It’s a fact. 

           What if things not going well? What if everything turns out wrong? Backup plan will always be a great idea, but what if you don’t have any choice at all? What if the only choice you have is to face the reality? In my opinion, you have to walk the way. Just go through it, no matter what. No matter how hard what you’re facing now and how hard it would be in the future. Why? The answer is simple, you choose it at the very beginning. From the very early of your journey, you have decided to walk through it instead of other road that might create a different story of your life. 

           Do I look like ‘its so easy to be said than done’? Well, its not actually. If you put an effort to it. A huge one. Have you ever think about it over and over again before you start to giving up like what you did before decided to choose that? This time, when you are about to give up, you are about to stop walking the way, you don’t have to stop but pause it. Take a step backward and think about it properly. As deep as you could, and as rational as you could.   Have a clear mind, a positive one, thus you can make the most objective decision about your future. 

       But what if rational mind doesn’t help at all? You need motivation. I believe everyone in this sphere earth have their own motivation to achieve something. Like myself. Im sure you have read my previous posts talking about my own source of spirit when I want to achieve something right? Yes, my parents are my biggest motivation. I might not be who I am today if I never thought of making them happy. The only reason why Im still standing here now is to make them happy. In any ways, I will try to let them have the greatest happiness of earth and heaven. 

            Im sure that you have your own ambition, and Im sure its huge. That will be even more greater if your ambition is for your parents and your family. So, when you’re so down, tired enough to walk the path, remember your ambition again. For who you’re dedicating your life? For who you’re sacrificing everything you have? Im not saying that everything is easy, but the power of effort will always bring the light into the darkness. No one in this world deny this. Even your God also mention this. Put an effort to what you’re achieving, InsyaAllah, everything will be alright. 

            What if you fall down during the walk? You must get up, no matter how hard it is. Get up and try to walk again. If you cant walk, you can crawl through the path. But Im sure you don’t wanna be late by crawling right? Thus you must stand up strong and run. Run for your ambition, run for your future. At the same time, raise your hand and pray to your God. He will always be with you. Remember, no matter how hard it is, just don’t give up!


*just my two cents* 

Wednesday, 26 December 2012

Tanya Hati

            Aku melangkah lesu meninggalkan rumah. Menahan air mata. Aku gamau ada satu orang pun yang tahu, kalau aku sudah memutuskan hal itu. Iya, aku meminta kau pergi. Pergi, setelah semua yang pernah kita lalui. Entah setan apa yang meracuni fikiranku hingga aku tega-teganya berbuat begitu. Tapi sepertinya itu bukan bisikan setan, karna itu bulan Ramadhan. Mungkin itu keputusan paling bodoh yang pernah aku buat. Meminta kau pergi walau aku masih sangat sayang denganmu.

            Sejak hari itu, aku bukan lagi aku yang pernah kau kenal dulu. Kau tahu kan kalau aku cengeng sekali? Iya, sejak hari itu aku ga pernah berhenti menangis. Menangisi semua kesalahanku. Kesalahanku sama kamu. Entah untuk kali yang keberapa aku menyakitimu, membuatmu kesal dan bahkan marah padaku. Dan hingga pada akhirnya, kamu benar-benar pergi. Atas permintaanku.

            Lama sekali aku mengobati luka ini. Cukup lama, dan bahkan sehingga hari ini aku masih mencoba menyembuhkan luka ini. Dan tahukah kamu jika aku masih sering memikirkanmu? Iya, apa kabar dirimu, apakah kamu masih merasakan sakit karenaku? Aku bersalah, kepada diri sendiri, kepadamu. Jelas, aku belum cukup dewasa untuk hal-hal seperti ini. Belum cukup dewasa untuk mencintai orang yang sudah memberikan sepenuh hidupnya buat aku. Tapi tak mengapa, aku belajar banyak karenamu.

            Hingga akhirnya aku menemukanmu didampingi yang baru. Dia yang nyata, selalu ada di depan matamu. Dia yang bisa menemanimu setiap harimu. Dia kekasihmu yang baru. Awalnya, sakitku bertambah melihatmu. Iya, aku kecewa, sakit hati dan bahkan marah kepadamu. Bahkan aku marah ke diri aku sendiri. Siapa yang kuat melihat orang yang kau sayang kini didampingi yang baru?

            Tapi aku bersyukur kepada Tuhan. Tuhan sudah mengirimkan aku teman-teman yang cukup baik, yang akhirnya menyadarkanku. Iya, aku sadar dari mimpi buruk itu. Terbangun dengan cukup waras, hingga akhirnya aku tak peduli lagi denganmu. Iya, aku pernah tak peduli lagi denganmu. Hilang sudah rasa cemburuku padamu. Dan bahkan, aku berdoa buat kebahagiaanmu dengannya. Aku bahagia melakukan itu buatmu.

            Tapi ada hal baru yang aneh. Keadaan kita sekarang. Rahasia yang tak bisa diketahui siapapun. Apalagi dia yang kini denganmu. Aku punya sejuta pertanyaan buat hatimu.

 Jika fisikmu sudah disana dengannya, harus kau sertakan juga hatimu.

Jangan kau tinggalkan hatimu disini.

Kau tak pandai berbohong denganku.

Apakah sudah kau berikan hatimu padanya?

Atau hatimu masih tertinggal disini?

Kamu saja bingung menjawabnya kan?

Bahkan aku juga tak bisa menjawab kepadamu.

Ini  semua aturan tuhan.

Hanya waktu yang akan menjawab semuanya.


*hanya sebuah ungkapan rasa, ukiran kata-kata dari seorang Icha yang cukup sederhana*

Monday, 24 December 2012

Financial Management For Myself :))

Assalamualaikum and hello my blogworld! 

Its getting near to the end of the year and also its time for my second salary from Schlumberger! Alhamdulillah! :) 

Well, you must already know how ‘big spender’ I am right? Yeah, its so hard to admit but that’s the reality. But now, Im trying my best with all of my efforts to have a better control on my money. Money management for myself. Because in my opinion, all these times, the money is controlling me, not me controlling the money. *sigh :|

Alright, now lets see how my effort going on. 

a) Put My Budget in Different Envelope

From many articles I read, these tip always being mentioned. Yup, using different envelope for every single needs of yours. Starting from now, Im using this method. I have calculated all of the money that should be spent in one month, take the cash from the bank and put it inside the envelope. For example, I need to pay my room rent, thus I will put the amount of the rent to the envelope before paying it to the owner. Another example is for my daily needs. I have calculated on how much I will spend for my meals and transportation cost (only for working days) and I can only use that amount of money. Its more than enough actually for a day. Hehe :D

b) Invest in Dinar & Gold

Hmmm this one is so damn important you know. Investing for my future! Hhe :)) some people my say Im too young to have an asset but don’t you know that when we start it soon than we can achieve our ‘free financial’ soon too? That’s why I realize I should take the action now. From everything I research to invest on, I found Dinar & Gold is the best. Why? The price is affordable, suitable with my salary and the place to save it also secure enough. Thus, from now on, every month I will spend the budget to buy these things. And InsyaAllah, I already have my targets to spend this asset soon. InsyaAllah, in a very good way. Aamiin :)

c) My IDR 20.000 Bank! 

This one started quite long ago, since I found @hanya20ribu account on twitter. After reading the rules of how to collect the money, I started to take the action. Yup, for every IDR 20.000 I get, it should be the right of my piggy bank. Due to business reason, few months ago I have spent the money in my bank, and now Im starting from zero again. But no worries, starting from 1st December until today, the amount of my IDR 20.000 in my piggy bank is increasing! Alhamdulillah :) it’s a very good habit that you can practice it too. Everytime you get the IDR 20.000 just remember your piggy bank and you will be very happy to do this responsibility. Hewhew :D

d) No More Bring My ATM/Debit Card

This one is quite extreme, but I have to force myself to do so. Because I have this bad habit of cant stand of looking at cute things, no matter I need it or not for sure I will buy it. and the result, I keep on spending money to unimportant stuff. huaaaaah x_____X so, I have decided to have control to my money and this is what Im doing now. Im keeping away my debit card whenever Im going. Because I already put the budget in those envelopes I mentioned earlier, thus I can only spend from that. Its hard, but I will try. InsyaAllah :)

So, they’re my efforts to have a control to my money. I hope I can always do this, all the times. And maybe, you who reading this post will also take an action to have a better financial planning and money control. Its not money who control us, its our responsibility to control the money we earn. Hhe ;) 

Good day everyone!