Sunday, 7 September 2014

Wedding Preparation – The Souvenir

                Few months ago, when we planned the wedding, I decided to have a DIY souvenir, very simple and easy but in the end I found it quite costly and decided to just order the souvenirs. Since we are going to have our big day ceremony in my hometown, most of the guests are family so we finalized the amount of souvenir is 100 pieces, equal to our invitation card number. 

                So, what is our wedding souvenir for my lovely guests and family? I always wish to have a useful souvenir for my guest. InsyaAllah our wedding souvenir will be a calico cloth (belacu) tote bag with a simple design and hopefully can be used by our beloved guest in the future. Now, allow me to share my hunt for this tote bag because finally, I found the service that suits my budget and have a very nice design. Again, I found all these from Instagram! :)

                I have been following this account since few months ago and thinking of ordering a tote bag from them, not for souvenir, for my own use. But then, after both WDS and I are fixed to get married in December, I went through their account and yes, they also provide tote bag for wedding souvenirs. I contacted them through email but unfortunately, its too pricey and too much over my budget. So let’s say good bye to this one. However, here are some of their product design :

2. Souvenia 

                Using Instagram hashtag #SouvenirPernikahan, I found this account. They also have their own website and have many kinds of souvenir starting from a very cheap price. If we buy more, we will get cheaper. I went through their website and found out that they also make tote bag for wedding souvenir. It can be made from batik fabric, spunbon and also blacu. Their prices vary from the material used and also size of the tote bag. They also accept custom design. Here are some of their product. 

                Unfortunately, the price they offer was also over my budget. I still can buy from them, but the size of the tote bag is too small. 

                My searched for the exact tote bag that suits my budget with the size I wanted finally ended by finding this account, @teteno-btarigendhis. I directly contacted thie Whatsapp number and Alhamdulillah, their offer really made me happy. Not to forget, they also accept custom design. Here are some of their product samples :

                Alhamdulillah, I already did my down payment and cant wait to see the final product. J

Note : All of the vendors I mentioned in this post accept custom design or you can pick from their design. 

-Soon to be Nyonya WDS-


  1. Hi dear :) mau tanya dong. Reviewnya pakai Btari Gendhis gimana? Oke kah? Thx yah..

  2. Halo :)

    Alhamdulillah produknya sesuai request, cuma kan kalau order dalam jumlah banyak harus ngantri. jadi kalo mau order kudu jauh2 hari n sabar... nanti InsyaAllah saya buat review utk vendor yg saya pakai yaa.. :)

  3. Superb ideas! The DIY wedding décor really look pretty but it is very costly too. Well, I got married at an excellent Wedding location in Chicago that already had very beautiful DIY décor. I found it the best wedding venue.
