Saturday, 24 August 2013

Healthy Life Style?

Hello my blogworld! :D

This time I would like to share with you about my not-so-healthy-life. Why should I share this? I want to remind my self and you, my lovely readers how important of taking care of our health. No matter how much money we have, not even any cent can buy health, so, let’s take good care of it! :)

                To be honest, I am the kind of person who easily gets sick when I am on a super duper busy work, hectic and tight schedule. Sick here means my body resistant drop to its lowest level and then I just lay on my bed, energy-less. I am not sure whether it’s my body who can’t take it or it’s just that I am not mentally ready for all of that. Or maybe, it’s true that I am not having the best stamina. 

                I ever get high fever during the final selection of Mawapresnas 2011. Just after I finished the interview for my extracurricular activities, my body gets warm and I directly become a sleeping beauty in the hotel room. At another case, a day before NPEDC 2009, I got a high fever too. My body feels very cold inside and hot outside. This condition is getting worse when I started working. Once a month, I got attack by sickness. High fever, cough, skin allergic, asthma etc. Too many to mention! :(

             So, I went to the doctor. Well, currently I have consulted with the general doctor, internal disease specialist, skin specialist and eye specialist. Most of their answers are….. 

“You’re too tired. Based on your explaination of your working schedule, maybe you just need time to rest. And don’t forget to consume healthy food and vitamins. Drink a lot of water too”

*that’s the conslusion I got from the doctors* 

                Yeah, I need to start to do something. This is for my own good, which is to have a better life style, a healthier life style. I have ever started to do some exercise during my off days, like jogging and going to the gym. At first, I want to lose my weigh, because I am kinda heavy lately, but then I realize one thing, which is my intention of doing the exercise itself. I want to be healthy, as long as my body mass index is okay. I should do it regularly. 

                But one problem that I am still trying to cop with is my eating habit. Looking at my eating history, I am the typical Indonesian who consumes a lot of food that is fried, oily, contains coconut milk and also instant food. Yeah, I am a typical Indonesian. What can I do, I mean I am a newly working young woman who only cooks once a week on my off days? 

                I should start working on this thing. Start the consumption of healthy food. No more instant food. Nuggets, French fries, burger meat that are made from the factory should stay away from my fridge. Deep fried food can only be consumed once a week, the less the better. Fruits are compulsory every day. Remember that ‘an apple a day keeps the doctors away’? :)

                Not to forget, I should reduced my consumption of my favourite ‘ayam bakar’ since I just remember that carbons from the grilled chicken can lead to cancer. From time to time, if this continues, who knows it will destroy my body later, right? Apart from that, I also will start reducing my goreng-goreng favourite, like mie goreng and nasi goreng. Once a week is okay, but with a lot of vegetables on it. Hhe :D

                Another thing that needs to be improved is my hectic and super tight working schedule *lebay*. Seriously, I am not so sure how to cop this matter because I am still a trainee who struggle to breakout while my supervisor still cannot understand the needs of the poople under her. I hope after this I can have a better working schedule. It’s okay to work on night shift, but as long as it’s fixed and not ruining my body, like what happened last week. :(

                What else? I need a long and peace vacation maybe? ;)       


Derawan will be my next destination after Belitung! :D

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