Thursday, 9 January 2014

A New Year Note

Assalamualaikum, hello my blogworld! :)

                I hope it is not too late to say, have a great new year of 2014, may the odd be in your favour, my lovely friends. As usual, as we started a brand new year, most of us will have our own resolution, aren’t we? But then, after reflecting to my 2013 resolution list, which many of then did not came true, so I have decided to have my 2014 dream list. Not as much as before, right now I really want to focus on few things that are really important for me.

Tuesday, 7 January 2014

Operasi Pengangkatan Fibroadenoma Mamma (FAM)

Assalamualaikum, my lovely friends! :)

                Jujur, belum pernah terbayangkan seumur hidup saya akan menginap bermalam-malam di kamar rumah sakit, diinfus, disuntik bermacam jenis obat-obatan, diberikan bantuan oksigen untuk bernafas apalagi sampai dioperasi! Sehinggalah takdir Tuhan membuat saya mengalami semua itu. 

Friday, 3 January 2014

It’s a Love Thing

                We never know when will be the time that special someone will come to our life, holding the exact key to our heart, get in there and stay forever. There are times, where single people doubt that God has written their life and future partner, due to endless loneliness they experience. Or even, they give up on finding that special someone, just because they are too tired of being in wrong relationship, or dating the wrong guy/girl.