I want to be better
I want to stand taller
I want to fly higher
I want to be stronger
Thursday, 28 February 2013
Saturday, 16 February 2013
Hujan Dan Gadis Bersepatu Merah
Langit menangis, mengiringi hati yang teriris.
Berdarah, merah.
Luka yang belum kunjung sembuh, entah dimana obatnya.
Disaat hujan turun, gadis bersepatu merah itu jatuh cinta.
Kepadamu dia menabur rindu.
Kepadamu yang belum pernah bertatap mata.
Kepadamu yang tidak tahu.
Kepadamu yang dia ingin berikan seluruh hidupnya.
Kepadamu masa depannya.
Gadis bersepatu merah itu telah lupa akan sakitnya, lukanya.
Masa lalunya dikubur dalam-dalam.
Kamu, penyebabnya.
Gadis bersepatu merah itu, telah jatuh cinta.
Sekali lagi.
Cinta yang datang bersama hujan.
Cinta yang dingin dan beku.
Menanti hangatnya balasan cinta darimu.
Berdarah, merah.
Luka yang belum kunjung sembuh, entah dimana obatnya.
Disaat hujan turun, gadis bersepatu merah itu jatuh cinta.
Kepadamu dia menabur rindu.
Kepadamu yang belum pernah bertatap mata.
Kepadamu yang tidak tahu.
Kepadamu yang dia ingin berikan seluruh hidupnya.
Kepadamu masa depannya.
Gadis bersepatu merah itu telah lupa akan sakitnya, lukanya.
Masa lalunya dikubur dalam-dalam.
Kamu, penyebabnya.
Gadis bersepatu merah itu, telah jatuh cinta.
Sekali lagi.
Cinta yang datang bersama hujan.
Cinta yang dingin dan beku.
Menanti hangatnya balasan cinta darimu.
Thursday, 14 February 2013
You'll Find~
“Only once in your life, I truly believe, you find someone who can completely turn your world around. You tell them things that you’ve never shared with another soul and they absorb everything you say and actually want to hear more. You share hopes for the future, dreams that will never come true, goals that were never achieved and the many disappointments life has thrown at you. When something wonderful happens, you can’t wait to tell them about it, knowing they will share in your excitement. They are not embarrassed to cry with you when you are hurting or laugh with you when you make a fool of yourself. Never do they hurt your feelings or make you feel like you are not good enough, but rather they build you up and show you the things about yourself that make you special and even beautiful. There is never any pressure, jealousy or competition but only a quiet calmness when they are around. You can be yourself and not worry about what they will think of you because they love you for who you are. The things that seem insignificant to most people such as a note, song or walk become invaluable treasures kept safe in your heart to cherish forever. Memories of your childhood come back and are so clear and vivid it’s like being young again. Colours seem brighter and more brilliant. Laughter seems part of daily life where before it was infrequent or didn’t exist at all. A phone call or two during the day helps to get you through a long day’s work and always brings a smile to your face. In their presence, there’s no need for continuous conversation, but you find you’re quite content in just having them nearby. Things that never interested you before become fascinating because you know they are important to this person who is so special to you. You think of this person on every occasion and in everything you do. Simple things bring them to mind like a pale blue sky, gentle wind or even a storm cloud on the horizon. You open your heart knowing that there’s a chance it may be broken one day and in opening your heart, you experience a love and joy that you never dreamed possible. You find that being vulnerable is the only way to allow your heart to feel true pleasure that’s so real it scares you. You find strength in knowing you have a true friend and possibly a soul mate who will remain loyal to the end. Life seems completely different, exciting and worthwhile. Your only hope and security is in knowing that they are a part of your life.”
-Bob Marley-
Saturday, 9 February 2013
My Acne Solution! ^__^
Hello blogworld! :D
This time I would like to share with you about my acne problems solution. Well, its kinda weird right when Icha starts to talk about beauty matter, but yeah, time fly and now I have so much concern on my skin beauty and health. ;)
Before this, I mean before Im working with this cement stuff, I dont have a super serious acne problems. Breakout did happened but its only during PMS phase. But now, the pimples are everywhere! huaaaaah T____T
I already used face scrub every week, and then use exfoliating facial wash that is available at the market, but nothing works. Even I reduce my consumption of fried food, because oil increase the potential of acne. The result? Nothing! The pimples are getting more and more and my pores are getting larger and my face looks like a moon. OMG T____T
Ive even thinking to go to a skin doctor, near my place there is on famous skin care clinic. But then, my research on their treatments and products made me cancelled it. Based on the information I got, they are using chemicals on their products. Which means will only creating more problems on my skin and health. Because from now on, Im avoiding chemical based cosmetic because its harming my skin. Furthermore, I dont have enough time to go there for consultation and treatment due to my packed working schedule. :(
But no worries, I have found the correct treatment for my super serious acne problems! Thank you the The Body Shop Tea Tree Skin Care range! Yeaaaayyyy! One month, and the results are awesome! I hope it will help me to get an acne free skin soon! :D
Based on the research Ive done, Tea Tree Oil has a powerful ingredients to kills bacteria from deep under your skin tissue. It easily absorbed by skin and works very fast! :))
Firstly, Im using Tea Tree Facial Wash to cleanse up my skin. I use it 3 times a day, morning, afternoon and night before my sleep. This facial wash is a water based cleanser. Its totally different from the usual facial wash that I used from one of a famous brand that consists of micro beads, which I thought it works to clean up the bacteria from the inside of my skin. But the fact is, micro beads are not to be used daily because it will irritate our skin. It means, all these times Im using the wrong product on my face! T___T But no worries, its not too late to cure this skin, since Ive found this soft facial wash that works on my skin. :))
Secondly, Im using Tea Tree Toner to help further cleansing process because it removes out dirt and gives a fresher look! Oh ya, the toner somehow feels a bit strong on your skin, about 5 minutes. But it still okay, as long as it doesnt irritate your skin. Irritation can be detected by redness on your face. Thank God, it doesnt. :))
For the moisturizer, I use a different product range for day and night usage. For day usage, I use Tea Tree Clearing Lotion. The good thing about this product is, its not oily at all like most moisturizers in the market. Thus, it reduce my oily skin too while moisture it. Yeay! Plus, it does smells good. :D
For night usage, before my sleep I will use Tea Tree Pore Minimizer. I chose this product because of my large pores. Yup, like I said, my face looks like a moon. huaaaah T____T Now Im quite happy because the results started to show up. hhe It does minimize my pores and hopefully it will disappear soon, forever. hha :D
For additional stuff, which I forgot to include it in the photo, is Tea Tree Blotting Tissue. Because my face is categorize as an oily skin, I need the help from this oil absorbent paper. It is very soft when touching my skin and absorb the oil very quickly and I dont need to press heavily to ensure it absorb the oil. :))
For weekly mask, I use Tea Tree Facial Mask. After cleaning my face with warm water, to open the pores, I will use this product. Let it be for 20 minutes, and then clean up. It clean deeper through you skin cells and help removes dirt and acne bacteria. I always love to use this facial mask. :D
Lastly, for faster healing process of the pimples on my face, I will use the Tea Tree Oil itself. Just take a cotton bud, dip in into the oil and use in on the pimple itself. It reduces the redness due to the pimples and shorten the time for it to stay on my face. haha :P
I think that's all of my beauty sharing for my acne solution. Right now Im still fighting it and hopefully will get the best result ever. I will put a huge efforts and wait patiently for it. hhe And yeah, I do have traditional remedies too that Ive been practicing now. InsyaAllah, I will share in my next post.
Have a good Sunday night, people! :D
Monday, 4 February 2013
Stasiun & Kereta
Ini sebuah cerita. Kisah tentang sebuah stasiun tua, yang ditinggal pergi kereta, silih berganti. Entah kapan stasiun akan menemukan kereta yang akan menjadikannya perhentian terakhir. Sampai hari ini, stasiun masih berharap.
Dulu stasiun pernah didatangi sebuah kereta. Kereta yang tak pernah disangka akan menuju ke stasiun ini. Dari banyak nya rel dan rute perjalanan, kereta telah memutuskan untuk memilih stasiun ini. Sang kereta menetap di stasiun ini untuk suatu waktu yang cukup lama. Seakan selamanya. Stasiun tak kesepian lagi. Selalu ada kereta yang menemaninya, setiap detik.
Di sudut hati kecil stasiun, dia hanya mampu berdoa, seandainya kereta akan terus menetap selamanya. Menemani hari-harinya, walau hujan maupun panas, sama-sama melindungi. Kereta juga seolah-olah memberi harapan, dan bahkan untuk sebuah keabadian yang dijanjikan. Menemani stasiun sampai ujung waktu.
Tapi apa mau dikata, setiap kereta yang berada di stasiun hanya singgah buat sementara. Sang kereta ternyata memiliki jadwal tersendiri yang telah ditentukan dari awal. Kereta ga bisa berlama-lama menetap di stasiun, jika tidak, ia akan mengganggu rute perjalanan untuk kereta berikutnya yang telah dijadwalkan berada di stasiun.
Kini stasiun pasrah. Pasrah dengan keadaan. Dia tak tau apakah akan ada gerbong kereta berikutnya yang sudah dijadwalkan untuk menjadikannya perhentian terakhir, dan menetap selamanya. Hanya kepada Tuhan stasiun meminta.....
Saturday, 2 February 2013
Sebuah Tanya
"Kenapa kamu ga nyari lagi?" P.H
Aku gatau sama ada itu sebuah pertanyaan serius atau hanya sekedar basa basi disaat kita mulai berkenalan.Aku bahkan tak terlalu ambil peduli dengan apa jawaban aku saat itu. Bahkan kau tau, aku lupa jawabannya apa. Mau ketawa, silahkan.
Tapi apa kau pernah terfikir jika pertanyaanmu itu akan mengganggu hari-hariku? Enggak, bukan aku menyalahkanmu atas pertanyaan itu, dan aku juga tidak menyalahkan diri sendiri atas pilihan aku untuk memikirkan hal itu. Hanya saja, aku masih belajar menyederhanakan rasa, memilih untuk lebih dewasa menanggapi sesuatu dan mencoba belajar hidup dengannya.
Aku berterima kasih padamu. Pertanyaan itu membuka hati ini. Melepaskan gembok yang kuncinya sudah dibuang entah kemana. Melembutkan kerasnya seorang Malisa Sudirman, untuk bersedia menerima insan baru. Entah siapa pun itu, aku akan berusaha untuknya. Mungkin kamu, atau mungkin orang lain.
Kamu tau, setelah aku renungkan, jawabanku seharusnya "Bukan aku enggak nyari lagi, tapi belum". Iya, aku belum memulai langkah untuk mencari. Mencari sepotong hati yang mungkin bisa menggantikan yang telah hilang, lalu menetap disini selamanya. Mungkin aku terlalu bodoh untuk mengharap dia untuk kembali, disaat aku tau aku sudah kehilangan semuanya. Tidak aku tidak berharap dia kembali. Aku sudah berhenti berharap untuk itu dan mulai belajar menerima kenyataan. Dia tidak ditakdirkan untukku dan semua yang terjadi adalah kehendak Tuhan.
Apa aku akan mulai mencari sekarang? Entahlah. Sebelumnya, aku tak pernah mencari. Cinta itu datang sendiri. Tak pernah diundang. Lalu pergi tanpa permisi. Mungkin itu cara Tuhan untuk mengajarkan cinta buatku. Seorang anak kecil yang keras kepala yang buta karena cinta.
Disaat aku mulai mencari, aku hanya akan mencari sesuatu yang pasti. Kau mengerti kan maksudku? Tak perlu aku jelaskan satu persatu. Obrolan di telpon yang panjang lebar berjam-jam itu sudah cukup menjelaskan apa yang aku cari.
Selama pencarianku ini, aku hanya bisa berdoa kepada Tuhan. Menyerahkan semuanya kepada-Nya atas semua usaha yang telah aku lakukan. Aku yakin Tuhan ga akan pernah mengecewakan hamba-Nya, dan selalu memberikan yang terbaik. Dan aku akan menanti dengan sabar untuk waktu yang telah ditakdirkan Tuhan buatku.
Seperti yang pernah aku bilang, buku lama telah aku simpan di tempat yang seharusnya. Sekarang, aku sudah siap menulis buku baru. Semoga buku baruku nanti akan jauh lebih baik. Aamiin :)
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